Hydroponics Indoor Horticulture  

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Chapter 13 - Breeding Your Plants:

Chapter explains the pros and cons of breeding your own seed stock, highlighting the science involved. The process of F1, F2, F3 and F4 breeding, pollination and cross pollination are covered and the gene effects on the offspring explained. The chapter concludes by encouraging the grower to have a go and breed, emphasising the greater the gene pool, the greater the chance of creating something unique.


Introduction: The Merging of Nature and Technology
Chapter 1: Plants - A Basic Overview 4
Chapter 2: Plants and Entropy 17
Chapter 3: Propagation 23
Chapter 4: Hydroponic Systems 39
Chapter 5: Nutrients 51
Chapter 6: Oxygen and Air 67
Chapter 7: Carbon Dioxide 75
Chapter 8: Water pH 81
Chapter 9: Pests and Pest Control 87
Chapter 10: Fungi 107



Chapter 11: Cuttings and Clones 115
Chapter 12: Pruning and Training 123
Chapter 13: Breeding Your Plants 127
Chapter 14: Harvesting 131
Chapter 15: Equipment 137
Chapter 16: Grow Rooms 163
Chapter 17: A History of Hydroponics 175
Appendix 1: Transcript 187
Appendix 2: Useful Information 203
Appendix 3: Glossary
Index: Index

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